Bought a whirlpool side kick from Sears and paid for installation of a trim kit. Sears uses Mobile Construction as their installation contractors. Now before I bough the side kick Sears representatives contacted Mobile Constructions to verify that they do install the trim kit for this type of refrigerator and were assured that they did. We had to reschedule the installation of the trim kit a couple time due to damage to the refrigerator that Sears took care of. We spoke to Maria and finally confirmed a date and all the time they (Mobile Construction) knew that the trim kit was for a side kick refrigerator. Two Mobile Construction guys showed up, one who was older wearing glasses and the other was young an tall. My house is a new construction and at the entrance we had our shoes and several booties for anyone to use on top of their shoes; however both men with out asking just walked with their soiled worked boots. Once in the kitchen the oder began to inspect the refrigerator and the trim kit several times. He then asked for the installations instruction and began to go over them page by page. It appeared as he did not know how to install the trim kit. He then walked back outside and made a call and after a couple minutes he returned and said he was waiting on confirmation because the wrong work order was placed. I said that we confirmed the installation was for a trim kit for a side kick refrigerator. The guy said that it was put as a micro wave trim kit at first, but later said it was for a refrigerator but that he was not doing the job for the amount he got. While he was still in the house I said that I was calling Sears to see what's going on and he rudely said that I did not have to call them for anything. I called and informed Sears that guy will not do the job and is requesting more money. The Sears representative asked how much more do they need and the older guy said again rudely and professional, "I am not talking to you about that". I told the Sear representative of the situation and that the older guy was being rude and unprofessional at which point the older guy said that they are leaving and not doing the job for that amount of money. Both left without waiting on Sears who was attempting to verify what went wrong. Sears said Per Mobile construction they entered the wrong code which is strange since Mobile Construction gave the code to Sears. I was very upset on how rude and unprofessional Mobile construction representative were. A couple days later (Saturday) Maria called and said they got payment from Sears for the job and can do it in Monday at the end of the day. I requested a 10am appointment because could not do it in the afternoon and also requested that the same older guy did not do the work because of his unprofessionalism, but apparently he was the only one who supposedly can do the job. I said ok but that i would record the installation process. Maria was apologetic and said that was ok and that he would ask if they can do the job at that time, or If I wanted to contact Lowes or Home Depot and see if they can install it. Seriously an installation company asking to go with someone else? Maria said she would call back at 1pm but never did to confirm any appointment. I tried to call their number but never got an answer. Monday I contacted Sears and asked what was going on and they advised that they can do the installation but only at 4pm. I agreed to do it at 4pm and would have to cancel some appointments if necessary. Sears called me back and said that Mobile Construction refused to do the job. Sears said that dealing with Mobile Construction is a nightmare and they never had this happen before but they will consider going with a different installer. I sure hope Sears drops these rude, unprofessional so call contractors. I would stay as far away from them as possible.