| - I am a physician whose husband had surgery 2 months ago at the Laser Spine Institute in Scottsdale. He had an acute disc herniation at C6/7 and had unbearable arm pain. He tried physical therapy, epidural, massage, traction, steroids, all with minimal relief. After more than 3 months he had had tricep weakness and he couldn't stand the pain anymore, so he had surgery at LSI.
When he woke up from the surgery his arm pain and numbness was gone. It has not returned. He was back to work 11 hours a day (he sits at a desk) on day 4 after surgery and was playing 18 holes of golf on day 17 after surgery (which they do not recommend by the way). He could not be happier. The surgery has been a godsend, and their minimally invasive technique was all they said it was.
I am writing this because even as a physician, before he had the surgery I was unsure if having surgery was the right thing to do. It has been a lifesaver for him. Please keep in mind that he is a healthy 50 year old and had no other preexisting conditions or other reasons to have neck/arm pain. His symptoms were clearly from the disc herniation. (BTW the reason they do nerve root testing is IF they are not sure that the pain is coming from pressure on that particular nerve, they deaden it and find out if your pain is gone temporarily. If the pain doesn't go away, then the pain is not from that nerve and surgery on that disc/nerve will not help. That is why they did not do the surgery on the patient Angela I would guess)
The only thing I did not like was that we did not meet the surgeon until before the surgery. I understand that the best use of his time is in the operating room, and not in the office, but it required a fair amount of trust to sign up for the surgery without meeting him. When we did meet him before the surgery he was very gracious, answered all my questions, and left me feeling that my husband was doing the right thing and that he was in good hands.
R. English MD.