| - I have been a Clark? fan since I owned the old brown walking shoe in 1974. The quality of the shoes is pretty much unsurpassed. I have a boatload of ¨do I have to suffer through wearing you again?"cheap shoes and they are now going in the bin. Deborah was really helpful as I slipped in this morning at opening, having seen there is a 2/$99 sale going on while at Town Square last night, but since we were helping someone get somewhere else, I had to plan to return. The Wave flip flop is my new best casual friend. It is so comfortable: totally worth the price. I cannot mention the total on my receipt today in case my husband is on Yelp, but I got a $40 discount on my next shoe purchase, I found so many wonderful things. There is a Nubuck artisan sandal on sale called Clarene which is in plum, beige, pumpkin, blue, white and black and honestly they are so super comfortable I wanted all 6! I just got 2, the plum and beige. I also opted for one of the 2/99 Leisa skimmer in black with a patent toe which is so sweet. Since the Hayla Pier brown multi sandal was also 2/99 I hopped in this shoe and now I have a slew of each type of shoe for my needs. I did pick up a pair of the Wendy Laurel closed toe in black leather just because.
I am a nurse and I work from home, so I don´t have to dress up a lot but having a 6 pack of Clark? means I can go anywhere in comfort. You won´t regret finding the perfect fit and also having a strong, very comfortable investment shoe at all. I think I won´t have to stock up for a while now!
This shop is located just next to Yard House near the AMC theatres in the Town Square Shopping Center which I love, because we get a lot of walking in if we park near the front entry at Container Store or Whole Foods. I always like being in a store where the employees believe in the product so much that they actually are wearing them at work and feeling good.