I have been a home owner for 4 years and AAM is the management. They are unresponsive. If I'm being honest, they are incompetent. It takes 4+ weeks to change bank account information to pay your hoa dues, they will not call you back, they enforce rules sporadic and objectively, there is a revolving door of property managers, and my most current issue is a water leak on a Sunday that is effecting 4 units and in the garage (a common area the hoa is responsible for) and they will not send someone else to look at it. They said to work it out with the owners. Unfortunately the owners rent their units and are unresponsive. It is clearly an HOA issue and the community manager, Tom Gordon, will not even give me the courtesy of at phone call. He is hiding behind the answering service whom has hung up on me 3 times rather than come up with an appropriate after-hours solution to an unidentified water leak amongst at least 4 units. This is only the latest issue, the few times I have had to contact them they are incredibly unresponsive and disappointing. Would not recommend. Ever.