"Good morning! What can we get for you?"
"I'm here for a breakfast sandwich." Word on Yelp is that there are breakfast sandwiches here for $3. And they come with bacon AND sausage all warm and melty with an egg and cheese inside a bun.
"We've got some of those!"
It was made earlier that morning I presume and then kept nice and warm in a foil wrapper, just waiting for hungry morning person to devour it. And it was indeed $3. Taxes all in. Yep, just $3. It also can with sausage and bacon and egg and cheese. Don't be fooled. There was nothing gourmet about it. Just a good old fashioned breakfast sandwich. You likely could make it at home yourself as well... but then, well, you'd have to make it yourself.
I wish I had known about the almighty breakfast sandwich back in the days when I was still walking distance from One Way Foods. I would've back tracked a block or two to grab me some breaky before starting the trek into work.
Drawback for morning commuters, One Way Foods is on 11th Ave... a "one way" headed the opposite direction from where you're coming in off Crowchild. Although, they make plenty of items you could pick up for dinner on your way home.