This is the fanciest library I've ever seen! I haven't really been to many but compared to what this library used to look like before the expansion and compared to what I'm used to seeing back home, the Champaign Public Library is pretty cool.
My favorite things about this library are:
- Plenty of seating. There are lots of open couches to sit on and read or tables to work on. There are even quiet rooms if you need the extra silence.
- The children's area. I bring my son with me most of the time and he enjoys playing with the toys in there. I'm still trying to get him interested in the actual books though. They also have story time in a separate room there. The rainbow lights of the librarian's desk also entertain my son.
- The checkout area. It's electronic and fully automated so that all you have to do is stick your library card in the slot, stack your books on the rubber pad, and get a receipt of what you checked out. I've never seen anything like it. What's comforting is that there are still some clerks at the checkout desk so that if you're like me and can't quite figure it out on your first try right there to help you.
- The outside book return. It's so simple and fun to watch (or maybe I'm just easily entertained...LOL!) It's not right in front of the entrance, it's on the opposite side of the building, but that makes it easier to return your stuff because all you have to do is drive around to the other side. You don't have to park or get out of your car. You just drive up and hold your book up to the return slot and it opens automatically. Then you just put your things on the conveyor belt and the slot closes and you're done. Easy!