| - Are you a trophy wife or an upscale soccer mom? Want to belong to a social club that is kind of like a gym? If so, Life Time Athletic may be just the place for you. It's a lot like LVAC except its not horrifically ghetto and everyone from Fox 5 works out there. The pools are much nicer here than most gyms. They don't have as many mirrors as LVAC, but they do have a room of mirrors in case you cant find enough of them and you need to stare at yourself while you workout.
Dues are like 150 smackers a month at a minimum, and they will nickel and dime you for every possible thing they can on top of that. I imagine that their CEO probably has "nickel and dime our customers" as the main strategy on their earnings calls (NYSE:LTM). As they have a fee for every thing you can think of. I think they even charge you extra to flush the toilets. Kidding, but you can bet your ass they would if they could. And you better hope to hell that you never end up in a situation where you have to ask for your money back, like when they screw up and bill you for shit you never asked them to. Because they will fight you like you are literally taking food out of their children's mouths. Apparently, multi-billion dollar b-to-c corporations aren't big on letting go of your cash. And, sadly, cash IS the focus there. It's not like the movie Dodgeball, where there was a seeming hope of having some kind of feel-good win, win situation. Not so much, at all. And while some of the employees seem genuine. It's VERY apparent that it's an exclusively money driven culture. I'm fairly certain that the workers have metrics on how much green they can extract from customers. "Sign up for this, come to this, do this test"...etc. And its always a la carte. At first it might seem helpful, but in time you notice that they are probably being forced to do it or their compensations plans rely heavily on up-selling and constant add-ons.
The facility is nice and they will tell you very candidly it's why they charge so much for dues. If you want to hang out in a pretty building, try City Center! hahah... If you like the aspect of working out in a really fancy ass building that has a license to serve alcohol and you have gobs of cash falling out of your pockets and you are kind of a pretentious asshole... this may be the place for you. There are people that I like that work here, but I abhor the obvious, corporate, machine-like, 100% money focused, feel of the place. And unless things change dramatically I will never pay them another dime. And frankly I hope nobody else does as we need less of this in the fitness world.