| - I've been going to this store for two years now, several times a week, because other options are too far on foot. I go there enough to justify this review.
Their produce is anything but fresh. Ever. I have never bought a lettuce there that wasn't already starting to rust. The broccoli is usually starting to limp, etc. I once had to take back a deli cole slaw salad that was off. Disgusting.
On another note: The staff in this store seem to have been trained to believe that customers are those irritants who get in the way and interrupt staff social time. I've stood at a cash register waiting for the clerk who was over at the other cash chatting away with his/her coworker, even after clearly seeing me there.
Their stock staff need retraining too. They park their stock carts in the exact center of the aisle, making it impossible to navigate around either side, sometimes blocking access entirely when there is clearly a better way to position their cart. They take their sweet time and pretend they don't see you standing there. When you say "excuse me" so you can pop in and grab something, the attitude is clearly that you, the customer, are inconveniencing them.
At times, I've seen the stock person chatting away with another employee, not at all concerned about finishing his/her task, and not the least bit concerned that customers are waiting to access the area they have blocked off while they chit-chat.
Sometimes, they'll stand together in a cluster of three or four of them in the middle of a high traffic area, engaged in some hilarious anecdote that simply can't wait, and they seem to have no awareness that several customers are trying to navigate around them in different directions.
Getting along with your coworkers is great, but the daily spectacle in this place is a bit ridiculous. I think most have forgotten the "work" part of their job.
It's infuriating and it's a culture in that place. It's obvious that it comes from the top. I was a Loblaws customer in my previous neighbourhoods and had positive experiences at every location. I can't wait for Loblaws to open in the madison condo building. I'll be gone from Sobeys for sure. In fact, I've already cut my shopping there by about half, opting instead for Marcheleos or even Shoppers for many items.