Remember the old days when men went to stores and had suits tailored to their bodies and beautiful, brimmed bowlers handmade to fit...Neither do I. But I think Sydney does.
Stepping into Sydney's tiny men's boutique on Queen St....I noticed the ancient Singer sewing machine on display and felt like any second Rock Hudson was going to walk up to me and my male companion to sell us some freshly cobbled shoes. But instead a 19 year old twink skipped towards us to push us into buying some ill-fitting shirts from his "favorite" line, Ben Sherman.
The store does carry a discerning collection of (to speak euphemistically) slight-man's clothing but beware brawny-man this is not the store for you. I should mention, Sydney's specialty is handmade and made-to-measure jeans but if you are in a rush to get them, better rush to the nearest Jean Machine. I have a friend who has been waiting over a year for his.