It's interesting that the company owner failed to address the sawdust left in our house; and the numerous months it took them to respond and resolve the problems the employees created. It's irrelevant that the contractor supposedly did a great job on other jobs. The point was made that he failed to do a good job on this job, in my home. Initially, when I contacted Joe Duran and provided details regarding the number of tiles damaged, it was an estimate of roughly 11 tiles. I assumed, your employees would show up and complete a review of all the damaged tiles. After your employees failed to show up at every scheduled appointment, I got on my knees at 57 years old and inspected every tile myself.
This was, a simple project that had problems. All projects have problems. That's life. The way in which your company responded to the problems was the failure. Basically, failing to respond appropriately. All you had to do is show up and replace the tiles. Not tell your customer we'll be there on several specific dates and not show up.
Don't turn your failure into the customers fault!