Do you know what's a cruel sense of irony? Visiting this store in the middle of a day long migraine, that's what. Things that did not help me, at all:
1. The 'sweet' decor. If I wasn't dizzy to begin with, the mint green and bubble gum pink overload probably would've made me.
2. The sugary chocolatey scent which is literally everywhere. Must..escape..(not possible).
On the upside for me, the store is stocked extremely well which makes for a super quick in and out. I managed to pick up some Easter goodies for family and a friend without, well.. either passing out or losing my breakfast.
Fully recovered 24 hours later I finally had a chance to eat some of these chocolates (in moderation, wouldn't want another headache). Peanut butter filled chicken thing? Gawd. Far superior from any other pb filled chocolates *cough, Reeses*. This filling is creamy, almost like a Kinder Bueno ~ so much win!
Then I bought the most ridiculously sized chocolate bar.. see attached picture. All I have to say is that in the foreseeable future this bar is gonna be my bitch. Oh, it's on.. Now excuse me while I go find some pjs and a bottle of wine to complete the trifecta.