Learned about Tom's from a friend and went there for dinner. I had the smoked half chicken, my wife had the pulled pork sliders and a friend had the smoked "two meat" plate. Overall I would rate it as very good. The barbecue sauces (7 or 8 choices) were excellent as were the meals. The service was attentive and quick. Don't expect ambiance, it is a gas station after all (although it's a few hours later and I still don't have gas). I think the only "ding" I would give is that the french fries were not hot enough to my liking. But other then that expect a nice menu and really fine food.
I would like to update my review just for consistancy. It is now July 2016 and I've continued to enjoy Tom's many times. The french fries have been better, the staff is still great, and I have had their collard greens, and if you're a fan of greens these are as good or better then any I've ever had (and I've travelled extensively in the south). They've gone from menu service to ordering yourself but they still deliver your order to your table. Still a wonderful place to enjoy a meal with friends.