I felt compelled to review after seeing a scathing review on the place from someone who apparently attended one class. Yoga is a personal and individual experience which can vary depending on the setting, instructor, and one's frame of mind. I think this is a great studio and every instructor I have encountered over my 6 months of almost daily attendance seems to love what they are doing and gives genuine interest, attention, and effort toward making each class a positive experience for their students. I disagree with a reviewer that this is an "aerobics" class. I have been to hot power yoga classes at other studios that are far more athletic. This is a very consistently scripted hot flow yoga sequence class that follows the same formula every day. I have always been an athletic guy and now just over 50 have seen this yoga studio help me to gain flexibility, tone and trim my body from a more muscle bound gym type, and clear my mind of daily stresses with each class.