| - Dana (a male), with the Tempe Road Runner Shuttle service, threw me off when I called to book a shuttle for Sky Harbor because of his impatience. I was calm and in a good mood when I called, so I knew I was not "doing anything". We had been on the phone for less than 60 seconds and if I could not answer his questions immediately, he was frustrated. He asked my flight number and rushed to another question as I paused to look it up. As I paused again to look up other information (only seconds passed), he actually asked me if I could call him back when I had all my information together?! I was so brief in pausing to look up info, that it blew me away. I told him I did not want to call back and that he was surprising me with his impatience. He said, "I'm in a call center." What does that matter, I'm thinking. Here is the kicker. He put me on hold and I hung up to call back for another agent. After booking smoothly with her, I asked for the supervisor so I could complain about Dana. LOW AND BEHOLD, the supervisor WAS Dana!! I got a good laugh because how damn awkward. I told him I was calling to complain about him and his odd, impatient demeanor. His apology was not very convincing. I am still using their service next month, believe it or not. I sure hope Dana isn't driving the shuttle. He might take off if I am too slow retrieving my bag from the curb!