I am not a yelper, never have, but my customer service experience with the owner of this company was enough to make me get an account. And I will probably never yelp again. Our main point of contact Rocky is fantastic, and the work that they do is very good. However the owner Ken should not own a business. He had zero customer service. I had a bush put in today. The bush is 48$ at the nursery. Advantage charged me 100$ for the bush and 25$ for labor. Labor charge I'm great with. I called Ken about the 100% markup on the bush. I didn't even ask for a price change or anything, just nicely asked him if I had the option to buy the plant on my own for the lower price. He gripped back that that wasn't an option and that he was a bigtime business owner and not to tell him how to run a business. I wasn't. Just felt like 100% markup on a bush was a bit misleading. I can't imagine he'll keep very many customers that way.