| - In the last year I have re-discovered the area thrift stores. I mainly go between this Agrace Hospice store location and the east side Savers, with the occasional east side Goodwill visit.
This store doesn't have children's clothing but does have some toys. It has women's and men's clothing, kitchen items, books, furniture, actual records on vinyl, crafts, and a little jewelry. Oh, also pictures/art for the wall. I got a beautiful crewel 'picture' there that I love.
It's more expensive than Goodwill and Savers, but not necessarily with a better selection. It's all donations, so it isn't like they can curate a stylish closet for you. I've found a couple of nice things there, and it is small so looking through all the stuff in my size doesn't take very long (which is both a plus and a minus, really).
If you are on the east side you should check it out, but I wouldn't drive across town for it.