Do not buy a car from this place! My daughter has a 2006 Toyota Camry that she STILL owes about $9K on. Her payment was due June 1st and because she went on maternity leave with work and had a baby on June 11th, she was unable to pay. She called prior to make an arrangement to change her due date to the 15th instead, which they gave her a hard time about. She decided this past Sunday to just trade it in to get a newer better car for her new baby and 2 year old. She has a new car with Peoria Nissan and she was trading in the Camry. Dynasty, which is the finance company, will not release the pay off amount to Nissan so she can get the new car. They are telling her she has to pay what she is past due plus repo fees since repo is on its way over today and then they will release the pay off amount to Nissan. BAD BUSINESS. This is a gimmick to get cash from her which is not necessary since Nissan is paying off the car as a trade. I say she lets them repo it and tries to finance the new car without the trade which screws her anyways and makes her payment higher.