I was looking for something relaxing and fun for a girls day and thought this would be a good choice. Being terribly afraid of drowning I was super nervous about being in a pod of salt water for over an hour but that was surprisingly not an issue. However, I didn't find it relaxing at all. It did help my muscles relax for an hour or so afterwards but I definitely didn't get into "the relaxation zone" that apparently leads to a healing and "spiritual experience". If was just all around awkward. Just not a good fit for me. Also don't joke with the staff if it isn't your cup of tea, this is their life and passion and they don't appreciate mermaid jokes. At all. Laughing in general seemed to ruin the atmosphere for everyone else, or at least based on their attitudes and glares that's what I gathered. Definitely didn't get the "please visit again" line. Oh well.