This is an incomplete review of the PRK procedure with Dr. Raymond Stein.
Went for the consultation and had an appointment with Bonnie after going through a few machines and she suggested me to do the PRK rather than Lasik, she explained that this will take a longer recovery time and cost would be the same for both procedures ($5400). Since I stare at the computer screen pretty much the entire day at work, she suggested that a week of recovery time would be best before heading back to work. This is the main reason why I give 2 stars, I went back to work after 10 days of rest as suggested, I could not read my emails for more than 15 minutes before everything becomes a blur and had to request another week off. So far, i'm very pleased with the result however, the consultation process was very misleading.
Day 0: surgery day, pain and discomfort few hours after surgery
Day 1-4: noticeable difference in recovery.
Day 5: contacts removed, bit more comfortable
Week 2-5: very little to no changes in vision. Still unable to read or work.
Week 6: Huge improvement. Finally able to work and drive.
Week 7: Went back see the optometrist and they said I have 20/25 vision and is still in process of recovering.
Half a year later: everything is great vision is approximately 20/25 with no issues at all. Eye drops are comforting but not required.
Overall I'm very pleased with the results but if you're expecting to go back to work in a week, this is not for you. There was a long period of time where I have seen no improvements or even gotten worse than the day before but turns out it is perfectly normal. Everyone heals at their own pace and at the end of the tunnel, it feels great and the only regret is not doing this sooner.