I have really seen the quality of their service and product go down TREMENDOUSLY. First of all, they didn't have any of the teas in stock. I finally settled on a green tea latte, and they didn't even have the vanilla powder, so I skipped that. I was made a peppermint latte that I would give 2.5 stars.
The other thing is that the service is quite terrible. It's always a bunch of young kids running the place with absolutely no professionalism. They are a bunch of air heads. I wouldn't say so much rude but I still find it disrespectful when I am asking questions and the next person relays that question and they just really have no idea what's going on. They also forgot to put the lights on and one of the girls wanted for it to remain off.
I love supporting a local spot that's so cute and fun, but I doubt they will ever get a dollar out of me again. Such a shame seeing a good business go to waste.