I called and scheduled a cab and was instructed to call back if a cab had not arrived in 20 minutes and they asked for my number so the cab driver could call when he arrived.
At 19 minutes I watched a taxi from this company pass the restaurant I was in without slowing down and then turn around. Never did I receive a phone call.
I called the dispatcher to check in and she informed me the driver had listed me as a no-show. I told her I was looking at the cab still at the stoplight and she told me she would get the cab to turn around to pick me up.
20 minutes later (now 40 minutes since I initially called) I called again and the dispatcher told me a cab was on the way.
20 minutes later (now 1 hour since I initially called) I called again and she told me that she was still sending a cab. I told her not to bother and I'd call another company.
I called another company and within 20 minutes I was at my destination.