I honestly just got home from visiting Super Farm! I headed out their way because I wanted to try their milk - we are trying to spend our $$ on local businesses. It was great to actually speak to the people who raise the cows and see the cows with my own eyes!
We ended up staying for about two hours! Everyone was so friendly. We bought our gallon of milk ($3.49) and some butter ($4.99) and then stayed for lunch. Chef Matt - I hope I didn't forget his name!- introduced himself while we were buying milk and we decided to stay for lunch . The kids split a kid's cheeseburger and I had the chicken salad - sandwich. It was fantastic!!
After lunch we visited the baby cows, the goats, and then stopped and had a big glass of flavored milk ($1 each - grape for my 2 yr old daughter and chocolate for my 4 yr old son).
Everyone is so nice here - my children LOVED it and did not want to leave. Worth the 40-ish minute drive out there. (We live in South Phoenix)