| - I feel like I'm treated like a kid with no respect or acknowledgment of existed when I enter the service garage and on the sales floor. I'm 22 years old but still, I had bought my Accord Coupe new (my fourth new car since 16) from a different city dealer at the strike of the moment! However, I feel like I have to strive to seek help in the garage full of service associates (11 to be exact b/c I had to time to count before someone approach me) and I'm the only car parked inside waiting to get my schedule appointment rolling. NOT ONE associate of anyone in any department greeted me, like I said I had to make the first impression and step up my plate and say "Hey" but that still didn't help trigger any response out of any associates. The associates, groups of 3 or more in their own little world dealing with prices to sell Hondas and not even say just one word of respect out of their valuable time or at least a polite smile. Also, since these associate does not have respect for me, they surely, DID NOT HAVE RESPECT FOR MY CAR! I was so furiously pissed when my service advisor told me my car is ready for pick up, I headed to the garage and saw a group of associates talking and one of them leading against my accord! As I approach my car, he then acknowledged me saying "hey, how are you?" And opened the door to even out his guilt of leading! Before I closed my door, I said I appreciate your respect of my car and protecting it from your button on the back of your pants! I work hard to make the monthly car payment of $275 just so they can treat it like a pole/wall. This is my second visit ever, the first was just as worst as today is about 2 and half years ago! I rather travel an extra 30mins in south Charlotte to whereas they are interested in buying my car, acknowledge my exist and appreciate my business with them since I am paying them money (May not be a new car), money is money in business but I was happy with my service. It's not just about the overly priced services!!!! Thanks RMD