I took my 2yr old son there this morning right when they opened and was greeted by Marcie. My son is absolutely TERRIFIED of getting his hair cut. I've taken him to a barber and tried doing it at home and both times were a disaster with screaming, sobbing and terror on his end and me wishing I could just get it done faster than fast. He had a hair cut yesterday (in the back) that wasn't intensional and because he's so terrified I chose to wait until today to have someone else fix it. He was so excited to see all the choices of "rides" he could sit in and chose Thomas the Train. He began to freak when he heard the clippers start and I held him as still as I could while Marcie buzzed his head with the various clipper clips as quickly as I could have hoped. She was wonderful. No words or actions could keep him from crying - I knew that - but both her and I talked calming and I snuggled him as Toopy and Binoo played in the background and she amazingly kept on going and got it done faster than fast. He didn't like the haircut experience one bit - no surprise - but he loved "choo choo" and wanted to play with all the toys before leaving!!! I couldn't get him OUTTA the place - lol - so it was obviously a positive experience!!! Lol. I truly couldn't be more grateful Marcie!!!