Horrible management , I've never seen a manager tell an older lady that she was going to escort her out with security because of the huge mistake this honey baked ham made.
If you've visited honey baked ham during the holidays , you will know the lines can get extremely long. Luckily my daughter and I got there when the line wasn't outside the door. I called ahead of time and was told 20minutes in and out , I didn't mind the wait until a young employee yelled if you have cash come to my line . The manager then stepped in stating if you broke line please go back to your previous spot,NOW who in their right mind would leave the front and go back to the end ? Right ...
A numerous unhappy customers spoke up stating that it was unfair that the individuals that were waiting had to wait longer because a huge group were allowed to jump line . Instead of the rightfully unhappy customers being taken care of , the crowd that skipped were given customer service.
30min later I arrived to the front, so my 20mim wait became 50mins . I would to commend the young man at the register for being very polite and helpful, Buck , you exemplified great service to me . You saved this dramatic visit to honey baked ham.