I love dumplings and I have not as of yet been to Mother's Dumplings. My concern, like all diners, is to get good food at a reasonable price. I find the reviews here to be rather uneven, and the owner is more interested in patronizing customers and asking about where they are from or saying come again. The question is why? There are a 100 Chinese restaurants on Spadina. As far as I am concerned, you get one kick at the can. Thats the whole thing about going out for food at any restaurant. When food is good, I personally will come from long distances away for good food and I am LOYAL. I have my fav restaurant just south of Mother's Dumpling and so people don't feel I am a shill for the restaurant I love, it will remain unnamed, but I go once a week to that restaurant with at least one other person and my bill is usually around $30 - $40. Multiply that by 52 times a year and thats the revenue for these people. When I start seeing more consistent reviews on this site, then I will take my hard earned money and give it a try. Until then, I will take a pass.