I walked into the store with a paper cup hoping to throw it away. I did not see the trash can that was outside. I greeted them with a hello and how are you doing, and asked if you have a trash can that i can throw this away in. The lady rudely said no, there is one right outside the store. I asked her if she was really going to make me walk outside the store. And she said yeah, while I'm looking at the trash can in the register area. She rudely says," we don't want trash that does not belong to us in the store." What is that suppose to mean? I was livid about her attitude and her comment. I told her that i would be telling ppl about this experience. She then continues to tell me to have a great day. I work in customer service and what she gave me was horrible!!! I was half way in to the store and she was going to make me walk right outside, I should have thrown the trash at the register and walk out. I am never to return to this store ever again. I don't even know what they have, but really disappointed at the lady that "greeted" me when I first walked in.