| - Oh the Bay.. What can I say about the Bay? You know I've never been much of a Bay shopper. My mom loves the Bay. Well mainly she loved the scratch n save they had there (do they still have that?). It got to the point that everytime I went to buy the smallest thing, I would get bombarded with a request to sign up for a Bay Store Credit Card. Ugh annoying.
I went to the Bay with a friend who was in desperate need to buy shoes for work (quick back story, she wore flip flops to work and forgot she wasn't allowed to). We thought maybe the Bay would have some shoes... It was quick literally our last resort.
As it turns out, the Bay has a great selection of shoes, and at great prices! Almost everything in the shoe department was on sale. 10%, 15%, 25%, 40% off sticker price. I found some nice Keds, but smartly resisted buying.
The Bay is one dizzying store to walk through.. All the elevators to get to floor, to floor, to floor. It's too much, I got exhausted before even getting to the shoe department.
The good news is that my friend did end up getting a pair of really nice dressy, yet sporty shoe. I was a little jealous, maybe next time will be my turn... Yes, next time.....