Thank you Food Network for encouraging me to be more daring when it comes to food; Thank you 5ieme Peche for providing the opportunity!
As an appetizer I had Duck Heart Tartare. That's right, RAW duck heart. It tasted a lot like Beef Tartare with a little special something.... Delicious!
As a main course I had Sweet Breads! I have had these many times; this place made them very well. Creamy and silky on the inside, beautifully crispy on the outside!
5ieme Peche regularly serves "organ meats". Many people are grossed out by the idea of eating animal innards but truthfully they are quite underused and unappreciated (especially by us "spoiled" Canadians and Americans). Once you get passed the idea of eating "guts" you will truly appreciate and enjoy them!
5ieme Peche definitely is the best place to explore!