| - After I finished checking out Galleria, the organised display of buns at Bakery Gateau caught my attention. Their selection of goodies all looked nice, fresh, and not to mention well priced! :)
I bought these 2 long, sweet buns, packed together with green tea cream in the middle for $3.50. (I realise it's not the same, but it's bigger and even cheaper than Amadeus which is up the street!!!) The green tea filling wasn't too flavourful, but the bun itself was soo soft, yet not too sweet.
Other smaller, individual buns were less than $2/ea. They also had coffee, teas, cakes, all at reasonable prices, that I didn't try. Thank God this isn't in my 'hood 'cause it would be DEADLY!!!
There was only a generic pre-printed label of ingredients on the cello wrapping. The list were wholesome, i.e. flour, eggs, milk, etc. so I hope they're accurate and their buns aren't chalk full of preservatives/chemicals.