| - What the hell! The pictures they show are of their OWN OFFICE QUARTERS! The apartments themselves were built in the 60s or 70s and look NOTHING like that. The counters are chipped, there are huge holes where the sink plumbing goes into the wall, through which come bugs and awfulness, the carpets are uneven and ugly, there are giant gapped holes in those too that looking down into bug-infested between-floors, and various staples and nails stick up throughout the awful place for you to cut your feet on. So yeah, these people are liars. If that's not illegal, it should be, and these asshats should be strung up in public for everyone to see and cheer.
They are slum-lords and act like it. The landlords do no repairs or renovation (see other reviewer's statement that they think a paint job is a renovation, completely true), but since the area AROUND them is slowly becoming gentrified, they think they can up the rent each year, and do.
Hah. Hahahaha. No I'm serious, they do literally NO repairs or renovation, but your rent jacks up every year like you're living somewhere fancy.
Oh wait, does cutting down the one nice tree count as renovation? Then I guess they did that.
Also the people around there are scum, too. A guy stuck a gun in my boyfriend's back when going down to get pizza once and attempted to rob him (boyfriend had emptied his pockets before going down just in case, so the thug got nothing), and that wasn't the first crime we encountered, so be wary of that. They do have locking doors on the front of each building, but a lot of the locks don't work and most people just prop them open because there's no friggin' BUZZER OR INTERCOM to let you know if you have visitors, so you kind of have to leave it open.
If you disbelieve anything I've said, just take one drive through the parking lot. It's completely obvious when you're there in person, and not relying on their lying photographs, that the place is a terrible ghetto. You will lock your doors and screech out of there faster than you can say "slum-lords"!