This is my Timmies-run location, because they manage to bang out coffee like...a quick coffee making place..
Step one: Take the company car with diplomatic immunity on Canadian road and park it almost anywhere outside for free.
Step two: Order coffee with the hordes or people usually found here at any given time.
Step three: Take a moment to wonder where the hell do all these people come from, because unless the Sky Dome is also a secret office building...
Step four: Deliver coffee.
I always bring a concise list and read it clearly to the..Tim Hortons coffee making person. But they always ask me to slow down. I literally retard my words to a menial paste, so I don't understand why they always ask me to repeat something.
There floor has two tables at each end, and the window is space for elevated seating staring out onto Front Street. One literally watches traffic go by while they enjoy their artery clogging food.
Half the time I don't even get anything for myself. I just enjoy getting out in the open, and relish in the honking of the concrete jungle.
The speed of this location is impressive, they've got it down to a science. I never any any issue with wrong orders. I did direct one of the staff here to be more specific with the marking of the coffee with that white marker thing they use, and she said something confrontational in defence of her dignity as a marker person.
Alright, I shall not interfere with the machine!
There's a Starbucks up the road within one minute walking distance, but who comes here for coffee? There's nothing but hotels and condos in the area. Are they in constant need for coffee?
Service is not really there, but that's because everyone is dedicated to churning out as much coffee per second as humanly possible.
I just want to one day come here and order the most ridiculous amount of drinks and time these guys. The lines here gets pretty long during rush hours. I think I'll come here then.