15 years with cox so sad we have no other choice besides century link with welfare speeds (seriously dont get century link your better off getting wifi at mcdonalds).... I'm suppose to get a 300 download speed right, sounds good right? Too bad for the past 10 months at my new apartment complex ive been getting a .25-5 download speed so slow im UNABLE to watch a youtube video (LITERALLY). They cant figure out how to fix it because the problem is determined to be coming from the node (Problem on their end). So I'm 10 months into my lease out a 12 months and have been getting these speeds. They told me they are going to have build another node and split all the modems up. They say it will take 2 months... okay i waited 2 months and its 5 days past the day they PROMISED. Guess what? They haven't done it yet and said its going to be another month today. So if your getting what im saying is i basically havent been able to get the services I'm PAYING for, for about my WHOLE 12 MONTH LEASE. What is this? They know they are the only "high speed" service provider in AZ and dont care how long you've been feeding them money. They know you have no other options. I've been so angered by this ive been contemplating like going to the news and trying to get them to run a story about how cox is robbing. Sounds crazy right? Yeah thats right it is crazy, this is what cox has done to me.
If i can i will post a pic of my speed test and you will get what im saying. 700+ ping aswell. RIP
Thats my story i hope you enjoyed it and Cox if your reading this i want my money back... all of it please.