The only place Ive ever seen that tried to charge for "packs of ketchup"!! Yes, they tried to charge me for packs of ketchup! The girl said they can give you 4 packs of ketchup then charge for more. I couldnt believe my ears. How is 4 packs of ketchup enough for 3 peoples food? They said it was the managers policy so I asked to see the manager so I could tell them how cheap they were. Thats when another lady turned around and put two heaping handfuls of ketchup in our bag as if she could not believe the other girl was giving us such crap. I will NEVER go back to what a burger because of this experience. You can even go to Wendys, McDonalds, etc.. or any rest. out there and get as much ketchup as you want with no problem. I have never seen a place do that or be that stingy! The food...........another story, nothing to brag about. Greasy soggy fries and dry burgers......stick to the big chains, you'll be much more satisfied.