Honestly, there's not much to add here beyond what Kate said.
Happy Hour prices there are awesome--$2 beers on a Saturday? Solid.
Music was bleh, and the two old women we shared a table with who yelled at us to be quiet so they could listen to the music? Listen woman, you're sitting as far as humanely possible from the music stage--you can't hear jack shit where we are...and we're talking at normal voice levels. You be quiet.
Food: Um...where's the French and Cajun-influenced stuff? We have NOLA cuisine in Madison, why aren't they here? Jamerica is as close as you can get, and no, I'm not paying $8 for your mediocre jumbalaya.
The concept is great, and it's an event I would've loved to donate money to...but when you do a so-so, half-assed job like this? No donations necessary.