Zone Orange is a charming art gallery (galerie d'art) and cafe on a side street off of Old Montreal. It isn't terribly large, but it's clean, colorful, with a ton of random art on display and for sale.
I had a conversation with friendly Dominic Morin, the manager/owner (he's listed as "le directeur" on his business card - I'm unsure how that directly translates). I told him I was sad there wasn't any food[1] for purchase, only coffee, and he noted my complaint (now they actually have SORBET in addition to their espresso). He also pointed out a few pieces to me, and mentioned his sister was an artist here; I also checked out these animal plushies (amusing cat and octopus ones) sitting on a huge IKEA shelf. Much of the random art there was graspable stuff - tres cool.
Zone Orange is worth a visit.