| - Yasu is usually one of the best sushi restaurants I have ever had the pleasure of being in. It consistently wows, with inventive dishes and a definitive style that always have me wishing I was walking back in when I'm finally heading out. Yasu himself is charming and helpful and they have one wonderful, awesome waiter- an American with a suspiciously Japanese name who goes out of his way to help.
We did not get him.
On a Sunday at 7pm myself and 5 friends met for our reservation. We are all repeat customers. HEAVY repeat customers.
We ordered drinks and about the time they finally showed up, a cool 25 minutes later, we were informed they were all out of tuna.
Wrr? We all sighed and said... ok and ticked off an awful lot of other sushi options which we then turned in. A few minutes later, our waitress (emphasis on the 'wait') returned and said that the wait was 35 minutes for sushi and would we care to order from the kitchen? We reluctantly said ok and placed a few orders.
So imagine our surprise when moments later our sushi began to arrive. Well. Sort of. Our waitress appeared with 3 uni shots instead of 6. All 6 of us eyed them, wondering who we'd have to take out to get one, and I calmly ask the waitress to retrieve our other uni shots "expedited, perhaps"? Instead our waitress walked around the restaurant puzzedly WITH the uni shots like a nomad until she returned 5 minutes later to say there was no more uni. A nice bunch, we all surrendered our shots until the three smartest amongst us grabbed them and then crowed about their taste. The waitress offered us 3 oyster shots instead. They sucked.
So it was odd when oysters showed up WITH uni on them (though we should say we did order them with uni) a bit later. 5 of them. For the six of us. It is now an hour into our meal. We have already begun texting sweet republic, begging them to stay open. Or atleast bring us ice cream, because were hungry, damnit.
A process is established. Every 30 minutes or so a single dish of sushi or something arrives. We each eat one piece, compliment it, and then spend 30 minutes digesting. Halfway through a waiter or waitress will appear to let us know something we ordered is out. But they have "everything else". We have stopped being quiet and are now openly hysterical. And hungry. At some point management approaches and we instruct him to turn around and go away until he has good news.
They are out of our sake, but are happy to suggest another that is 3x the price. One of the diners suggests they comp it. He laughs. After three hours, all still a wee bit hungry, but 80$ poorer and without a glimmer of hope for sweet republic, we depart.
We've been comped nothing. Not an "I'm sorry". Not a "hey, have some edamame on us". Not a "we've knocked 10% off the bill". We are a bit hysterical over the comical situation, but also not a little pissed. A 400$ bill for a bunch of regulars with a reservation?