| - * Now THAT is a deal! *
I've bitched and moaned about the ridiculous rates the various mobile carriers charge here in Canada numerous times. The Rogers/Bell/Telus (RobUs) trifecta just annoys me with the ridiculous nickle and diming and excess fees they charge for what in the majority of other countries is dirt cheap compared to here.
Enter this new carrier, Wind. Granted, they don't have the same footprint as the Big 3 if you are outside of the cities. But their current deal was just too good to pass up for me. This promotion apparently only runs until Christmas, but is good for the lifetime of the account:
$40/month gives me (when in their coverage area):
- Unlimited calling to anyplace in Canada and the US
- Unlimited texting to any number worldwide
- Unlimited MMS to anyplace in Canada and the US
- Unlimited incoming calls
- Unlimited incoming texts
- All call control features like caller ID, missed call alerts, call forwarding, conference calling, call waiting, voicemail, etc.
and the kicker:
- Unlimited data (they throttle data once you reach 5GB per month to a slower speed - but I doubt I will ever reach that threshhold)
Yes, $40 for all of that. No system access fees, etc. You just add on HST. Not too shabby for Canada!
And yes, their coverage outside of the major cities they currently cover is considered roaming (they let you roam onto other major providers) which they charge you for. But they don't gouge like some others do. For roaming rates when down in the States they charge just 25 cents per minute to call anyplace in the US or Canada. When someplace in Canada outside of their zone it is the same 25 cents. Not too bad, considering they are likely paying roughly that much to the major providers who are covering the roaming.
I had been using Wind on a much reduced plan from this previously and have been quite happy with the coverage. But this was just an amazing promotion that I had to sign up for - so glad they let current customers activate this promo.
Oh, and there is of course no long term contract. Free to cancel anytime I want.
Woohoo! Finally reasonable mobile service with good data, etc.!