| - This place is a complete rip off at the highest level. For breakfast, the eggs come frozen, they're not even freshly cracked and cooked eggs. The muffin sandwiches are subpar at best, they don't even toast the english muffins at all. Who eats untoasted english muffins? Don't get me started on that. Yet, they charge top dollar for the garbage they call "food."
Lunchtime is a complete rip off as well, again, at the highest level. $7.00 a pound for perogis that come frozen? They're not even homemade! For $7.00 I can buy a huge sack at the grocery store and prepare them better than what this place does.
The one worker there, Ray, acts like he's doing you this big favor if he has to refund your money because of the garbage they serve. One time I complained to him about their high prices and he said, "if you want high quality food, you pay more." If this guy thinks they serve high quality food, he has no business being in the food industry.
At least McDonalds cooks freshly cracked/cooked eggs and toasts their english muffins during breakfast.
Never, ever, ever, again will I patronize this place. Not in a million years will I ever return.
Don't even bother going here, you'll pay top dollar for garbage food.