| - This Portillos, is the worst I believe outside of Chicago. I have gone to this portillos, several times, and the last time, was THE LAST TIME!. Slow does not quite describe the speed of service, Quality is below what I would expect for such a well branded company. Mangement, well, if their is a manager that has a grasp of his restaurant, then I woldnt be writing this poor review. We order the same thing every time, 2 beef with cheese 1 with Peppers 1 without. The cheese, isnt enough to cover a single triangle from a bag of Tortilla chips. French Fries, are a waste of time and space, soggy, and not fresh and crisp. You can tell by the " I dont want to be here look" on the employees, that this is not where you want to dine in or drive thru at. Simply a poor excuse for such a great restaurant brand. Chicago should be ashamed of this location, it is no wonder that theya re looking for managemetn continuously. After 35 yrs in the hospitality business and more than half of it, in restaurants, Portillos, Champaign, needs to get back to the basics of Guest Service.