Ouch......got a problem Houston!! Training not up to par apparently.....and from a big Uber hub at TMobile! Original request showed driver 4 mins out- after 12 minutes I complained to worker and he said to pull up a certain screen and show to Suprvsr. Before I could do that driver arrived notice popped up. Putting my eyes on his car I could not believe what I witnessed......driver circled a couple of times and actually went to other side of lot!!AND PARKED!!!! I told the 5-6 U workers standing in lot they neede to do their jobs and wave drivers in and assign a slot or whatever process is. They blew me off and driver called to say he was clueless as to process. I pointed out his car and asked the group-still standing around BSing to help him in. Again blew me off. One of the U ppl asked what my problem was and after explaining he said- your ride awaits! Huh...I asked for Suprvsr. and he told me HE was the Super.Justin- I believe... OMG the guy leading the BS session! Got a rude hand sign from him so got back out questioned him.....said that was actually friendly.....right!! Big operation...at TMobile for GKnights etc. think some upper level training in order!!!