Noah's Ark Pet Center?? More like, Nooooo way will i ever step foot in this ark pet center.
From the moment we stepped foot in this store with our 4 month old puppy, we had an unwelcomed feeling from all of the employees. Walking into the store, you would have thought we had a rabid dog on our hands. Everyone seemed bothered that we even walked in to the store to help support the local businesses.
We went in for a simple nail and hair trim, and the groomer acted like we were a burden on her apparent busy (and seemingly miserable) life.
Nail trim? Decent.
Hair trim? We wanted a basic trim around his face, basically so its out of his eyes. She gave him a trim that would bring back horrible memories of our childhood where our parents tried to give us haircuts, resulting in uneven cuts looking like they used a pair of rusty garden shears.
no way.