There are some sketchy pricing issues going on with this golf course and its management. I've called multiple times to speak to different people, and everyone is giving me different info on the pricing on the same day - and even whether 9 hole or 18 hole or the golf course is available at all. It is wildly inconsistent and they keep on referring to the 'dynamic pricing' online as the culprit. Seems to be who you speak to that affects the actual rate.
That said, the magnitude of the delta is odd. The online price says $77 for a twilight 18 hole, and on the phone she quoted me $132 for the exact same time. So 2x the price!
I was also told that a golf course was totally unavailable even in the afternoon to anyone (not full, just not available). When I then told her I already had a booking that day, she then said it was available.