Our dogs tail broke open from wagging it and hitting the wall. It got infected and we took him to the vet. He has a skin problem as well. The vet came in and started talking about his skin, we were there for his tail and that was it. After wasting our time talking about it, it seemed like he was trying to get more money out of us, he finally addressed his tail. Told us to give 4 prescriptions, get a collar/cone so he can't lick it and then to see our regular vet. So a day after they have us the cone, it breaks. They use a hard plastic which is not flexible at all. We called to see if we could get a replacement. They said only if there were no dents on it from running into anything. This was a 30 dollar piece of plastic that can't cost more than 5 bucks to them. How would a dog who has never had a cone before not run into anything?? We also had to wait 20 after we were done seeing the vet to get the items prescribed. Will not go back there. Had a better experience at the vet off rim rock after his acl surgery.