| - As far as Dive Titty Bars go, the Library is top-notch. Here's my last experience there: My boys Hot Sauce and Dahmer and I stopped in there after leaving the Vegas Bowl football game in the third quarter (too many Mormons supporting BYU and bitter cold too) We were drunk as skunks.
We were immediately approached by some gals, who sat with us in our booth. Using the conversion scale, they were: Library 10's/ Cheetah's 6's. Spearmint 5's.
Anyway- I was the worst of the three, and unable to recieve a proper lapper due to my inebriated state. As blondie tries to persuade Dahmer to go to the back room, he says, "Sorry hon- It's Bros before Ho's, and I gotta take care of my bro.." Of course she was very insulted, because she thought he called her a Ho, (which she was), and so she called the bouncer, who promptly came over and 86'ed us from the club.
That's when i puked in my mouth and had to hold it all the while doing the 'walk of Shame" to the bathroom with a bouncer on my arm.
Still legendary......