What can I say.. this is my local shopping complex. It's a 5 min drive and the heart and soul of my existence. FINE, it's the closest shopping complex to me and I'd be too lazy to drive else where.
Why am I a fan? I love the variety here... of grocery stores. Yes it's true, there's a Safeway, Superstore, Super Walmart andddddd a Co-op all on the same street. There's a Sobey's about 5 mins away.
There's also new stores coming up all the time, there's a Home Depot and Lowes facing each other, along with a Canadian tire down the street. This street has everything I need.. I think... a movie theater would be great.
My only problem is that it's completely impossible to navigate through the strip malls.. especially down by the BMO/Co-op gas station. Horrrrrrrrible urban planning. There's not enough ways in and out.