| - If everything thing was operational and I could get an all access pass to Kart World for like $30, I think this'd be a-ok. And as far as the go karting experience goes, it does that pretty well. You can sign up for a 10 min ride for around $12 or 30 mins for $25. Or for $5.50 each game you can go for a game of mini golf or laser tag.
When we got there, most of the arcade games were out of order. The signage behind the counter was also confusing, we thought go karting was $25. No other options, so we opted to just go mini golfing. It wasn't until someone in our party asked for more details that we discovered the $12 for 10 mins. Menu signage could also use updating. The hot dogs listed on the board aren't actually offered. I don't know if that's just because they were out on that particular day or they just don't serve them anymore. Either way, if you're hungry, eat before you come.
We had fun mini golfing, it's an 18 hole course with a couple of holes that are extra tricky! Be sure to look closely under the toilet lid on hole 13. You'll see. The handles on the putters could use a wipe down. We b-lined for the washroom to wash our hands when we were done. When we peeked over at the go-karts, the wait looked a little long, so if you're headed down for that, maybe come a bit later.
Overall, Kart World could use some work. Make the signage and pricing clear, fix up the arcade games, update the menu board. It can make for a fun couple of hours (I've hit up the go-karts before... It's a fun race around the track! Though 30 mins seems a little long and they don't offer 5 min rides anymore), but one visit was enough to tide me over for awhile.