If you are looking for a low key meal on Fremont Street, you could do worse then Hennesey's, which is the las vegas outpost of the regional chain. The exterior is gussied by being in the shape of the "worldest largest pint"- the building? is in the shape of a pint glass? Get it? Classic vegas- even the mid level chain restaurant's have some kind of crazy shtick.
All the waitresses wore matching "irish school girl" outfits- super creepy!!! My hamburger was of the "defrosted" variety. I ordered it "rare" on the theory that most shitty restaurants can't make a burger rare, and the good ones can. My theory worked out as my eye brow raising "rare' request was rewarded with a burger that was no where close to being rare. Ipso facto= Hennesey's is mediocre. Why ask how you want your hamburger? What is the point:?
Imagine it would be a nice place to have a few beers- not a small statement in a town that is an ongoing garish drinking nightmare.