AT&T 500 Grant street you have met your match!!!!! Don't go there for anything . The Retail Manager "Courtney F. refused to help me even with the Retention Department telling her too help me with my account that was notated 6 times today since 11am.
Courtney lacks customer service skills and should have to take classes over on customer service skills. Her rudeness to my face as well as the agent (retention specialist) on my phone should have her reprimanded to the highest degree. To blatantly tell me you were refusing to assist me as a customer since 2005 and even when they were still Bell Atlantic is ridiculous. I did nothing but walk into the store as instructed from the previous agent to look at the notes on my account and that I am to pick up my new phone. I was then told that I was not on the account to do this, I explained that I was and that the other agents said I was. Marshall (store associate) to me to call 611 and verify that I am added. Less than 5 mins he comes back to me telling me that I cannot have the phone and thanks to me I just got an employee (611) agent fired. They both called me a fraud and refuse to further assist me. I was embarrassed and humiliated. I left the store and called the Retention Department to complain about what just took place as well as not getting the young lady fired for what she was told to do. I talked to and Specialist who asked me to go back to the store so that she could speak to her on my phone. Well that didn't go over well I waited at least 8 minutes before I had to interrupt Marshall and ask him to get his Boss. He says she's on a conference call, I explained who was on the phone and he went to get her. Courtney comes out very upset and spoke to the specialist very rudely and then takes my phone to her office. I sat there waiting for over 5 mins and she gives me the phone and says I'm still not helping you good luck. The specialist and I are both very upset. To be accused of false behavior such as a fraud, embarrassed in front of their staff and other customers I was humiliated and brought too tears. Given great news to get an upgraded phone that I could pick up within 10 minutes of a call turned into me causing fraudulent activity on an account that I am an account holder of is truly beyond disbelief and disrespect to make those type of accusations all about picking up a cell phone because mine is not working correctly and was granted a upgraded phone. She clearly forgot that all calls are recorded so anything that was handled would be recorded and notated. So now Courtney and Mr. Marshall tried to lie about what happened. And she continues to go into my account and make false notes because she is upset that I reported her. I am very sure that the President of AT&T would not be happy with the actions that this store has taken. #at&t #badbusiness #dontshopthere #randalllynnstephenson #presidentofatt #pullthecalls #repost #share #badcustomerservice