| - I've known about this place forever since their ads are all over Kijiji. I've been there once to buy an S4 battery and that was fine - good customer service and eco-friendly as the receipt was sent to my email.
Recently, however, my experience was just below par. I took my second generation Moto X to them because I thought there was a software issue since I couldn't get a cellphone reception, and my sim card wasn't being read. (I flashed a new firmware on my phone and messed with the modem software)
I dropped my phone off on Tuesday and had an online profile with status updates sent to my email. "Cool" I thought, "I'll be able to monitor the status." Then come Wednesday, no updates on my profile. I contact their Mississauga location as they informed me the tech there is more savvy and could probably repair it. That rep informed me that everything was good and that they're still doing more testing; that i'll be contacted in an hour. A few hours later the North York technician called me saying that the phone is fine, and that he sees no issues. I had to inform him of the error and he said he'll investigate more.
Thursday passes and now it's Friday. My online profile is still not updated. So I call and the technician informs me that there's nothing he could do and that the phone is probably blacklisted. I venture to the store, befuddled, because in all honesty I know that the phone isn't blacklisted.
Upon meeting the technician, I articulated the process I underwent to get to that point (flashed firmwares, missing modem). He replied that the phone is still probably blacklisted.
I take the phone home, do some hardcore Googling, XDA-ing, and Kijiji-ing, and it looks like all I needed to do was download and fastboot the carrier's modem, which I did - phone is now picking up reception and making phone calls.
tl;dr Buy N Cell is good for basic stuff. They have good ideas in terms of systems but are poorly deployed. For more advanced phone repairs, you're better off doing it yourself or finding someone on Kijiji that will take the time and actually care about the issue.